Vil du lære at indrette dit hjem med Feng Shui Baguakortet?

Ranvita la Cour er forfatter til to inspirerende bøger om indretningens psykologi; "ELSK DIT HJEM
FORANDRE DIT LIV", (2013) Begge bøger er udkommet på Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck.

torsdag den 28. februar 2008

A happy giraf !

Having a child gives me a good excuse to unfold my childish taste. So when my 2-year old daughter fell in love with this giraf and old basket I wasnt hard to deal with. Every sunday there is a local fleemarket af Vedbæk Station. It's small and cosy with really fair prices. The basket cost me 15 kr, the giraf about the same. Let me know if you know a good fleemarket! PS: Right now I'm looking for a traditionel 'kukur' - let me know if you see one, or have a good suggestion where to find it!

1 kommentar:

Rebecca / Sanctuary sagde ...

Dear Ranvita, I am really glad I found your nook, it's very beautiful! Thank you for leaving such a kind message, I feel really bad about not establishing the source for the photo I used. I have now added a reference on the top of the sidebar, please do get back to me if you are not completely satisfied with the way it stands now! Anyway, it's nice to have found the contact behind the gorgeous images (which I originally found via Boligtorvet)! I will be back, often!